Adding/modifying user accounts
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Monday, September 3, 2007
Now that you have a command prompt, you can add a new user (ie yourself) like so
C:>net user username /ADD
where username is the name of your new account. And remember, try and make it look inconspicuous, then they'll just think its a student who really is at school, when really, the person doesn't EXIST! IF you wanna have a password, use this instead:
C:>net user username password /ADD
where password is the password you want to have. So for instance the above would create an account called 'username', with the password being 'password'. The below would have a username of 'JohnSmith' and a password of 'fruity'
C:>net user JohnSmith fruity /ADD
Right then, now that we can create accounts, let's delete them:)
C:>net user JohnSmith /DELETE
This will delete poor liddle JohnSmith's account. Awww. Do it to you enemies:P no only joking becuase they could have important work... well okay only if you REALLY hate them:)
Let's give you admin priveleges:)
C:>net localgroup administrator JohnSmith /ADD
This will make JohnSmith an admin. Remember that some schools may not call their admins 'adminstrator' and so you need to find out the name of the local group they belong to.
You can list all the localgroups by typing
C:>net localgroup
Running .exe files you can't usually run
In the command prompt, use cd (change directory) to go to where the file is, use DIR to get the name of it, and put a shortcut of it on to a floppy. Run the program off the floppy disk.
Well, I hope this article helped a bit. Please vote for me if you liked it:) Also, please don't go round screwing up your school servers, they are providing them free to you to help your learning.
I will add more as I learn more and remember stuff (I think I've left some stuff out - this article could get very long...)
what next?
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