
These articles are intended for IT Professionals and systems administrators with experience servicing computer hardware. Please do not attempt any of these procedures if you are unfamiliar with computer hardware, and please use this information responsibly. We are not responsible for the use or misuse of this material, including loss of data, damage to hardware, or personal injury.

Sending messages out over the network  

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Monday, September 3, 2007
Learn How To Hack

Okay, here's how to send crazy messages to everyone in your school on a computer. In your command prompt, type

Net Send * "The server is h4x0r3d"

*Note: may not be necessary, depending on how many your school has access too. If it's just one, you can leave it out*

Where is, replace it with the domain name of your school. For instance, when you log on to the network, you should have a choice of where to log on, either to your school, or to just the local machine. It tends to be called the same as your school, or something like it. So, at my school, I use

Net Send Varndean * "The server is h4x0r3d"

The asterisk denotes wildcard sending, or sending to every computer in the domain. You can swap this for people's accounts, for example

NetSend Varndean dan,jimmy,admin "The server is h4x0r3d"

use commas to divide the names and NO SPACES between them.

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